
5 Steps to Make a Weather Data Component in React Apps

By eLearning Inside
September 23, 2021

Data services are an essential function of the web. People access the internet to discover a variety of information and insights, including seeking information such as weather.

On virtually all news sites, there is a component indicating the temperature and outside conditions in the city.

In this tutorial, we will present the 5 steps to build a component like this image.

Web components are functions that work in an encapsulated way. They have individual interoperability in comparison to other elements of the HTML page.

Some components can operate autonomously and customized with the native elements.

An API can operate custom components. The Application Programming Interface is a kind of messenger.

The main job is to make the connection between programs. The API requests to a data server the information, translates the data and returns it to the browser.

In 2021, the most common format is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is an open file format that uses human-readable text. Data is transmitted in objectives that consist of attribute-value pairs and arrays.

The model has several advantages. A critical factor is how easy the API is to be integrated into the app. It was a fundamental step towards popularization.

1) Choosing One Cloud-Based API Service

The market trend is the emergence of dedicated API services. This type of job allows developers to rethink the role integration process.

Data-driven tools allow complete automation for companies.

An example of this type of service is apilayer, branded by Idera Devs Tools, which has a line of 20 types of API with several functions.

For weather data, one of the most popular options is Weatherstack.

According to apilayer, 75,000 companies use this API. The tool’s proposal is interesting: API meteorology data from around the world in real-time and historical.

The business can integrate the API with other tools such as PHP, Python, Nodejs, jQuery, Go, and Ruby.

2) Getting API authorization

First of all, the developer needs to make the register on the Weatherstack (

In this tutorial, we will use the Free Plan. The service features paid monthly options that vary according to the number of API calls the application needs.

Some data is requested, such as email, name, and address.

The account login can access the API dashboard.

The dashboard allows querying the number of requests made from the API. The operation is intuitive.

The step to integration Weatherstack is to capture the API Access Key.

Access Key is the personal access key required by the tool for authentication.

The key is a string of 32 letters and numbers.

3) Setting the Endpoint

Now the developer needs to define the API endpoint. The endpoint is a URL link with the information to access the API data and some parameters about the necessary return.

It is the technology that allows the customization of requests.

In Weatherstack, the endpoint can choose between the current weather, historical weather, historical time-series, and weather forecast. Another parameter is the location lookup.

The primary request URL is, which comes with the time parameter, a question mark, the access key, the ampersand, and the query.

The API URL endpoint format will be in the code as in the example below but without the spaces.


// Current Weather API Endpoint for New York

    ? access_key = 301faca57745d3aba9612fd6077d213f)

    & query = New York

// optional parameters: 

    & units = m

    & language = en

    & callback = CALLBACK


Basically, what the developer need to do is get the URL ( =301faca57745d3aba9612fd6077d213f)& query=New York) and make a request in the application.

The dashboard allows querying the number of requests made from the API. The operation is intuitive.

4) Creating an Application Project

To start coding the component, we will use Create a New React App ( The developer must have at least version 14 of Node and version 5.6 of npm installed on the machine.

When creating a project, it is possible to access a development environment with JavaScript resources.

A React application does not work with backend logic or a database. It creates a front-end pipeline to be used with implementing other functions.


npx create-react-app name_app

cd name_app

npm start


With these commands, the project file is created and runs in http://localhost:3000. The creation process may take a few minutes.

The coder can do project development in the preferred IDE (Integrated Development Environment). For this tutorial, we use Visual Code.

5) Coding the weather component

In the src folder, create a file .js named Weatherstack to code the component.

For this tutorial, we are going to use the native React styling. The developer can freely make the component with the look they want.

The first code to be created is a class component. In React, the coder can reuse components in other projects. It works like JavaScript but in isolation, with the HTML returns via the render() function.


import ‘./App.css’;

import React, { Component } from “react”;

class Weatherstack extends Component {

  render() {

    return <h2>Hi</h2>;



export default Weatherstack;


Next, we will define the constructor(), a method used to initialize the object’s state in a given class. In any constructor, the code must call super(props) before any other instruction. This code snippet is before render().

In it, we define what information the API returns we will use. In this case, they are the city, temperature, time icon, and date.


      constructor(props) {


            this.state = {

              city: [],

              temperature: [],

              date: [],

              icon: []




To call the Weatherstack API data, we use componentDidMount().

This method is invoked immediately after the component is assembled. React is an option to instantiate a request if the project needs data from a remote endpoint.

To have the API interface, fetch is used, which allows the manipulation and access of data. In it, we indicate that endpoint captured on the API website.

The software can update variables defined in the constructor() within the set.State. It is necessary to check the JSON format of the Weatherstack API. Other information is provided by the API but will not be used in this project.

We indicate the location of the information in the variables as in the example below.

          componentDidMount() {


                  “ York”


                  .then((res) => res.json())

                  .then((data) => {



                      temperature: data.current.temperature,

                      date: data.location.localtime,

                      icon: data.current.weather_icons





In this part, the component can access the API data if it is put to run.

What the component lacks is the front-end itself. Inside render(), the collected information is highlighted.


              render() {

                    const { city, temperature, date, icon } = this.state;

                    return (

                      <header className=”App-header”>

                        <h2>{temperature}ºC is the temperature now</h2>

                        <h2>in the city of {city}</h2>


                        <img src={icon}  alt=”weather_icons” />






The component is made. Now it is time to import it into App.js. Before, it is recommended to delete the elements in this file that comes in React projects.


import ‘./App.css’;

import Weatherstack from ‘./Weatherstack.js’;

function App() {

  return (

    <div className=”App”>

      <header className=”App-header”>






export default App;


The component is ready to be used in any project. On localhost, the developer can check the final result.

The cleanliness with which the API delivers data to the browser gives endless possibilities.

A front-end development is possible to present this information in the application in a fully customized way.

With API like this, the developer can deliver robust projects without spending hours building functions like this.

Featured Image: NOAA, Unsplash.


  1. It is clear that the government has no control over federal dollars being given away. The monitoring of schools has been a disaster and the accreditation of schools is NOT dependable unless you are Ivy League school bound. Yes, smaller programs should receive funding but only with measures in pLace to ensure that every dollar is spent wisely. Money should be used as a stepping stone and should also be given to programs that provide internships that assist getting a decent first job. From there a student gains the ability to pay more of a portion of their own college expense and should be able to borrow say 50% of a college class. Community college should be free for a certain amount of credits with assistance for books for truly poor. Graduate students should pay for themselves through either job assistance or having assets to acquire a loan through a credit union or bank. I could be totally flawed in my thinking about things but I have spent many years in college and have seen a lot of waste. The for-profit college is a experience started as a good idea but has proven to be disasterous when they started trading on Wall Street. Greed and strong lobbying to keep the gravy train rolling along should have stopped a long time ago. Great performing regional programs working with local employers that gives a great stepping stone to grow and pay for future education is the way to go.

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