How to Create a Learning Schedule For a CPA Exam

By Michael Dunlop November 24, 2021

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Woman writing in her planner with laptop next to her.

Most college students who successfully go through accounting courses relish graduation and are very happy when they get to this stage. However, they all know that the next step is one of the most difficult ones for their careers. This involves the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) exams. Students graduating from accounting schools are encouraged to […]

The State of Education Cybersecurity: 3 Lessons for Protecting the Post-Covid Classroom

By Matthew Delman November 06, 2021

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People sat at desks in front of computers.

As Covid variants make the current school year for both K-12 and higher education a continued balance of hybrid and in-person learning, education institutions are staying firmly in the crosshairs of cyber attackers. Just recently, Stonington Public Schools in Connecticut was forced to bring in a wave of the third-party breach investigation, mitigation, and response […]

American Students Display Unrealistic Expectations for Funding College

By Henry Kronk September 21, 2018

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american students in college class

There’s no question that the price of college tuition in the U.S. is sky high. But while it has doubled among private institutions and tripled with public ones, savings for college among American students has decreased. That’s according to a recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Allianz Global Assistance.

UPenn Launches Fully Online Bachelor’s Degree

By Cait Etherington September 19, 2018

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Once considered too low-brow for Ivy League universities, over the past decade, online degrees have been increasingly embraced by the nation’s top-ranked schools. In recent years, MIT, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania have all launched rigorous online graduate degrees. What these schools have not done is explore the potential of offering online undergraduate degrees. […]

Couch Potatoes Can Now Pursue Varsity Esports Scholarships

By Cait Etherington September 16, 2018

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In the past, sports scholarships were just for jocks and occasionally, for those brave souls who agreed to work as mascots throughout their college years. This meant that most couch potatoes also remained on the sidelines of the sports scholarship world. Now, the tide has finally turned. As “esports,” another way of talking about competitive […]

Evaluators Take a Second Look at Purdue Global as Controversy Lingers

By Cait Etherington September 15, 2018

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In 2017, Purdue University acquired Kaplan in an attempt to expand its online programs. The acquisition shocked many people since Purdue University is an established public university while Kaplan is a private institution. In March 2018, Purdue University issued a press release indicating that the merged entity, Purdue Global, had received final approval from the […]

How Audio Feedback Via Social Media Can Drive Engagement and Enhance Instruction

By Henry Kronk September 04, 2018

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While online learning excels in certain areas, it chronically suffers in others. Among the latter, student engagement, personal connection, and student-teacher interaction have been areas of focus for educators and researchers practically since the birth of the digital learning environment. Engagement in all learning environments, furthermore, is a topic of ongoing concern. A recent study conducted by Yueting Xu, a researcher at the School of English and Education, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in Guanghzhou, China, purports to have found a piece of the puzzle. An instructor of a university level English language course decided that, instead of providing written feedback, she would use a popular social media platform WeChat to record her comments on student assignments verbally.

Professors Are Overworked and Poorly Paid by a Troubled System of Higher Education, Top Hat Survey Finds

By Henry Kronk August 16, 2018

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University faculties and and departments tend to gain the reputation of the ivory tower, where members have wandered too far into their research and, in doing so, lost touch with reality. But a new survey from the OER platform and curator Top Hat suggests that narrative is more myth than fact.

New Report Describes the Viability of Promise Programs

By Henry Kronk July 12, 2018

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Since Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential run in 2016, liberal and progressive Americans have added another initiative to their platform: free college. Promise programs, which generally cover college tuition and fees for certain populations, are now in effect in 19 states. Opposition to adopting these measures frequently meets the same roadblocks as other social welfare programs. Fiscal conservatives say they’re too expensive and unsustainable. But a new report from The Century Foundation’s Senior Fellow Jen Mishory paints a more nuanced picture of promise programs’ popularity and political viability.

Get Your Freshman Year for Free with

By Henry Kronk July 11, 2018

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There’s no question that higher education is a troubled system—and that is making Americans increasingly unsure of how to pursue professional training. Many say a four-year degree is a waste of money and even urge students to drop out, but there’s no shortage of data indicating that a degree translates into higher earnings. A recent survey of young Oregon workers, for example, found a community college degree can double your pay. One startup thinks it has a solution to this unique situation. has created a suite of free online courses that, in certain institutions, can count for an entire freshman year of university.